Avatar Grove Boardwalk: Let’s Get it Done! Special Event and Fundraiser Monday, June 16th
*** If you support the completion of the boardwalk this summer in the legendary Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew, please join the Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA), local tourism and green businesses, renowned forest ecologist Dr. Andy MacKinnon, and other supporters for the “Avatar Grove Boardwalk – Let’s Get it Done! Special Event and Fundraiser” in Sooke. Help us complete this important eco-tourism project this summer!
Date: Monday, June 16th
Time: 7:30-9:00 pm
Location: Stickleback West Coast Eatery, 5449 Sooke Rd, Sooke, BC.
Drinks! Appetizers! Slideshow! Socializing!
Some words by:
- Andy MacKinnon, renowned forest ecologist and best-selling “Plants of Coastal BC” co-author
- Ken Wu and TJ Watt, Ancient Forest Alliance
- Dan Hager, Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce president
- …and others
If possible, please RSVP so we get a sense of our numbers at: Info@AncientForestAlliance.org
If you’re interested in contributing right now to the Avatar Grove boardwalk’s construction for 2014, please go to: https://ancientforestalliance.org/avatar-grove-boardwalk-now-completed-and-open/
The Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew is a majestic old-growth forest of enormous redcedar trees. It has become a major tourism draw, akin to a “second Cathedral Grove”. The now-popular hiking area was saved in 2012 through a campaign led by the Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA), with the help of thousands of our supporters and local tourism businesses with the Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce and the Sooke Region Tourism Association. Its protection has bolstered the economy of southern Vancouver Island and helped promote the case to protect old-growth forests throughout Vancouver Island. See photos here: https://ancientforestalliance.org/photos-media/
Last year, the AFA began construction of a new boardwalk to help protect the forest’s understory vegetation and tree roots from excessive trampling, to improve visitor access and safety, and to support local eco-tourism. About half of the necessary boardwalk has now been completed, but more still needs to be built. This includes sections of the spectacular new loop trail in the Lower Grove, as well as the steep slippery path up to “Canada’s Gnarliest Tree”. See photos of the work we’ve completed so far at: https://on.fb.me/1nyR7Mt
Help us to finish the boardwalk this summer!
Please JOIN US to learn more about the project, have a free drink and snacks, meet and mingle with other members of the local business community, and consider supporting the boardwalk during this fundraising night.
See a spectacular slideshow by Ken Wu and TJ Watt of the Ancient Forest Alliance, featuring TJ’s photos of the boardwalk work so far, along with award-winning images of the Avatar Grove, Big Lonely Doug, Red Creek Fir, San Juan Spruce, and the largest trees in Canada – all close to Port Renfrew!
If possible, please RSVP so we get a sense of our numbers at: Info@AncientForestAlliance.org Friends and family welcome.