Sending a message to Brookfield Asset Management on Bay Street, "Hands off BC’s last old growth trees."
The message is simple “Hands off the last of the Coastal Old Growth in BC”.
On Friday morning, Young “Avatars” (giant blue folk – like in the recent movie) will storm Bay Street in a flash mob protest against the logging of the last of the coastal old growth in BC. The protest has caught the eye of MTV and will be featured in an upcoming documentary on the hit show The Buried Life.
How do I know? My teenage son went out with a bunch of his friends, last Saturday, and talked with MTV about their horror at the possibility of seeing clear cuts replace miles of old and gorgeous forest, in areas where they’ve camped and kayaked since they were little kids.
Considerable disruption to the financial district is expected, as police may choose to close Bay Street over the midday due to the number of people expected to participate.
It may be a bad day for Brookfield Asset Management, as the media-shy mega-conglomerate comes into the spotlight for their plans to log the last remnants of our ancient forests. The parallel between the recent movie Avatar and the reality on the west coast is bringing activists together in what looks to be a sustained campaign against old growth logging.
The movement was started by the passionate commitment of one young woman to save her home from destruction, and now is drawing attention from far and wide. It is estimated that 99.5% of the Douglas Fir old growth has already been cut, but Brookfield still is gunning for the little that’s left over. That these precious trees mostly leave the country as raw log exports, means disaster to both the economy and ecology of places like Cortes Island, where Zoe Miles was born and has launched her epic quest for justice.
What: “Avatar” themed Old Growth Logging Protest filmed by MTV
on Bay Street
Where: Brookfield Asset Management’s Corporate Headquarters
181 Bay Street (just North of Front Street and Union Station)
When: Friday August 13 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Press Conference at 11:30 AM