We have a NEW office space!!
In VICTORIA, visit us at our NEW OFFICE space #303-3 Fan Tan Alley – access via elevator in courtyard. *NOTE: We're currently on summer hours. Please call 250.896.4007 to see if we're in.
We must also extended a big thank you to the Habitat Acquisition Trust for sharing their office space with us at the previous location on Blanshard St. – thanks HAT!!
At the office we have much of the stock listed below. Cash, cheques and credit cards accepted.
Products List (view products online at www.ancientforestalliance.org/store.php): *prices include taxes*
- AFA 2014 CALENDARS: $20.00 each; 5 or more $15.00 each
- CARDS: (for special occasions including the holiday season): $5.00 each; 6 for $25.00; 12 for $40.00
- POSTERS: (Avatar Grove’s Gnarly Tree, San Juan Spruce, and Canada’s Largest Tree the Cheewhat Giant): $15 each; 3 for $35
- STICKERS: Bumper Stickers $6.00 each; Logo Stickers & Tree Stickers $4 each
- SHIRTS: (made of hemp & organic cotton by Hemp & Co.): $45 each **shirts are in limited supply – please contact to confirm availability
- ADOPT-A-TREE CERTIFICATE: Minimum $50 donation
- ADOPT-A-GROVE CERTIFICATE: Minimum $100 donation
- AVATAR GROVE BOARDWALK CERTIFICATE: Minimum $100 donation for 1 metre of boardwalk
Alternative options:
- ONLINE: Submit orders online and pay via PayPal or credit card at: www.ancientforestalliance.org/store.php You can also DONATE online at www.AncientForestAlliance.org/donations.php
- By PHONE at 250-896-4007 to specify your order or donation amount and to pay with your credit card. We will ship product orders you (with an additional shipping cost added).
- By EMAIL (for product orders) at sales@
Thank you!